You don’t have to be injured to benefit from a massage. Massage can help you relax and destress when you are feeling overwhelmed or anxious. Massage can be a reward for the hard work you do in or out of the gym. Don’t let your insurance benefits go to waste.
Stress can cause physical pain in your body along with anxiety, fatigue, anger, irritability, insomnia and many other side effects. Massage can help reduce or manage stress from day to day life. Stress should not be ignored.
Direct Billing is now available!
Don’t wait until you are in pain to book your massage. If you get a massage once a month is will help reduce the chance of injury. Now offering Direct Billing to 10 major insurers, covering 85% of
privately insured Canadians. Ask us how!

What our happy customers say:
Had a great massage with Diana Lynne Massage Therapy today to work out some stubborn muscle injuries. Highly recommend if you’re looking for a Massage Therapist!
Jeff S.